MetaServer > Help > Troubleshoot > Azure AI Vision / Document Intelligence: very long processing time
The Azure AI Vision / Document Intelligence Extract action takes a long time processing
When extracting data with Azure AI Vision (FKA “Azure Computer Vision”) or Document Intelligence (FKA “Azure Form Recognizer”), you notice your documents are being processed for an unusually long time in your Extract action queue(s).
For example, the screenshot below shows documents, with only 1 page per PDF, being processed for over 15 to 50 minutes (!) in the Extract Text (Azure AI Document Intelligence) queues:

Reason 1: Your Azure AI Vision / Document Intelligence resource is set to the “free” tier (F0)
The processing speed in the free plan (F0 plan) is limited to only 1 call per 2 seconds. For the paid plan (S1 plan), the processing speed is 10 calls per second, which is 20 times faster than the free plan.
For the best processing speed, please access your Azure portal and convert your Azure AI plan to “S1”. Paid plans are available starting from 1$ per 1000 pages for the “Azure AI Vision” resource and 1.5$ per 1000 pages (Read model) or $10 per 1000 pages (prebuilt models) for the “Azure AI Document Intelligence” resource.
You can find more detailed information regarding pricing here:
Reason 2: Microsoft is experiencing issues with the Azure server
Azure is pretty much always online and very stable, but, sometimes we forget that even Microsoft’s Azure Servers can also experience issues.
To check Microsoft’s Azure server health, please refer to the following page:
Service Health – Microsoft Azure