MetaServer Tutorial
Download the MetaServer tutorial including download link and workshop with quiz

The MetaServer tutorial walks you through MetaServer’s functionality step by step and starts with the basics first. As you progress, you get introduced to more advanced features and useful tips & tricks. At the end of the tutorial, you will get a chance to earn a certificate by completing our MetaServer Tutorial Quiz.
The tutorial is designed as a hands-on workshop. Limiting yourself with just reading the tutorial will not result in the same quality of knowledge. The workshop will let you create a MetaServer Workflow from scratch, testing a Workflow, using Validation and Organizer etc. You can find a complete table of contents at the end of this page.
The tutorial includes a table of contents hyperlinking to specific features. In that way, it can also serve as a reference to look up how to configure things like defining a database look-up, configuring document separation and field validation, etc. If you are new to MetaServer, we recommend you walk through the workshops from start to finish.
Instructions on how to install and activate MetaServer are also included in the tutorial.
The MetaServer tutorial can be completed in 1 day. After going through the workshop, MetaServer’s core features and logic will have no more secrets for you.
Your knowledge can then be put to the test with our MetaServer Tutorial Quiz, where you can achieve one of the following certificates:
– A score between 70-80: Level 1 “MetaServer Expert”
– A score between 80-99: Level 2 “MetaServer Expert”
– A perfect score: “MetaServer Master”
Sign up to download the tutorial
Please first sign up to our mailing list to get access to this free resource. You’ll receive an email with a download link to the MetaServer tutorial and a notification when we publish new educational content.

The MetaServer Tutorial consists of the following chapters:
- Installing MetaServer
- Activating MetaServer
- User Interface Elements
- Introduction to Fields
- Workshop: Making a new workflow
- Adding fields
- Export
- Import Email
- Import from Folder
- Separate Document / Process Page
- Organize
- Extract
- Validate
- Workshop: Testing your workflow
- Organizer
- Validation
- Exported Result
- MetaServer Tutorial Quiz